
What We do Best

All our services follow our company philosophy and contribute to supporting a sustainable environment. We pride ourselves on delivering professional, independent, objective appraisals and reports. Any recommendations we make are underpinned by legislative and regulatory compliance.


  • SDA/SMP Reports
  • WSUD Reports
  • Daylight Modelling
  • Waste Management
  • Green Travel Plan

The Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) and the Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) each contains a summary of environmental objectives and design initiatives to be implemented during the planning stage of a project. We recognise the importance of creating a sustainable and liveable environment in the future.

Our team of Greenstar Consultant and BESS Trained Professionals have extensive experience in assessing a development’s ability to reduce environmental impact and energy costs, improve future residents’ comfort levels and comply with legislature. This is achieved by analysing the following key sustainable building categories:

  • Indoor Environment Quality
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Water Efficiency
  • Stormwater Management
  • Building Materials
  • Transport
  • Waste Management
  • Urban Ecology
  • Innovation
  • Construction & Building Management

Our expertise lies in our ability to provide sustainable design solutions for all types of residential and commercial projects. We can also assist in recommending appropriate systems, fittings and materials to ensure energy-efficient premises.

The ESD Assessments include the use of the BESS, Green Star, STORM, MUSIC, or InSite  tools, as required by the development and council.

All Victorian councils now require for a Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) assessment to be completed for new developments and extensions during the planning stage.

The objective of the assessment is to integrate water cycle management into urban planning and design. Capturing, treating and reusing stormwater onsite will significantly minimise environmental degradation and improve aesthetic and recreational appeal. Our team of experts regularly use the Melbourne Water STORM, eWater MUSIC, or InSite Water tools to predict stormwater runoff and implement treatments, such as rainwater tanks and raingardens, in order to satisfy the current best practice performance objectives for stormwater quality.

Our WSUD reports include a thorough assessment of the site and stormwater generation, details of proposed treatment types, a maintenance schedule and management guidelines for the construction site.

The Daylight Modelling Assessment provides a thorough analysis of the impact of ambient light within a nominated space and identifies the potential environmental effects of a development. Our vast experience ranges from assessing performance of multi-unit developments to investigating the impact of proposed developments on adjacent neighbours. Optimal daylight management minimises the use of artificial lighting, reduces carbon emissions, and positively affects the performance, mood and well-being of occupants of any space.

Furthermore, our daylight assessments include solutions and recommendations on how to optimise your project to be more environmentally sustainable and satisfy Council’s expectations.

Operational Waste Management Plans are generally required as part of the town planning and building permit process for all multi-unit, mixed-use residential developments, and non-residential developments. Our team of experts assess the proposed drawings to ensure that all facets of sustainable waste management can be met. We evaluate the suitability of the design and access of amenities, as well as prepare recommendations for transfer, collection, and on-site management of waste.

A ‘war on waste’ has recently been declared, and it is crucial that a proper waste management plan be put in place to reduce waste generation and encourage waste recovery. Our team ensures to regularly update ourselves with the latest developments in waste. Through constant communication with Council Waste Officers, we are able to generate the most effective waste solution for your project, in compliance with the latest changes and innovations in the industry.

The Green Travel Plan contains detailed information on sustainable travel alternatives available to residents or tenants at the proposed development, other than commuting via a private car. Normally required at planning stage, it outlines strategies and actions the development is taking to encourage the use of more environmentally friendly modes of transport.

The Green Travel Plan seeks to achieve the following targets:

  • Encouraging a reduced personal dependence on fossil fuels
  • Improved residents or tenants’ health from reduced exposure to vehicle fumes
  • Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduction in local noise and stress on road networks

The Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) and the Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) reports contain a summary of environmental objectives and design initiatives integrated into the design during the planning stage.

Our team has extensive experience in assessing a development’s ability to reduce energy costs and environmental impact, improve residents’ comfort levels or comply with legislature. This is achieved by analysing  the following ESD key principles:

  • Indoor Environment Quality
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Water Efficiency
  • Stormwater Management
  • Building Materials
  • Transport
  • Waste Management
  • Urban Ecology
  • Innovation
  • Construction & Building Management

Our expertise lies in our ability to provide sustainable design solutions for all types of residential and commercial projects. We can also assist in recommending appropriate systems, fittings and materials to ensure energy-efficient premises.

The majority of councils now require a Water Sensitive Design report to be completed for new developments and extensions during the planning stage. The objective of the assessment is to integrate water cycle management into urban planning and design, includingstormwater, groundwater and wastewater management and water supply, into urban design to minimise environmental degradation and improve aesthetic and recreational appeal.

The daylight assessment provides an analysis of the amount of ambient light to be received in a particular space. Optimal daylight management minimises the use of artificial lighting, reduce carbon emissions, and positively affect the performance, mood and well-being of occupants of any space. Our daylight assessment also include recommendations to improve

Waste Management Plans are required as part of the town planning application process for all new and extended buildings.
We assess town planning plans to ensure that all facets of sustainable, on- site waste management criteria can be met.
Within this plan, the suitability of design and access of amenities are evaluated. Recommendations for transfer and collection of waste from the site based on anticipated waste are also an integral part of this report. As importantly, we also address recommendations for on-going management of waste.

The Green Travel Plan contains detailed information on different travel options available to residents at the proposed development other than commuting via private car. It outlines strategies and actions the development is taking to encourage the use of more sustainable modes of transport for building occupants.

This Green Travel Plan seeks to achieve the following targets:

  • Improved resident health from reduced exposure to vehicle fumes
  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
  • Relieving stress on local road networks
  • Encouraging a reduced personal dependence on fossil fuels
  • Less local noise


  • DTS PART 3.12

All new, alteration and addition works which are classified as Building Class 1, 2, or 4, are required to undertake a 6-star thermal performance assessment as part of the Building Permit application to demonstrate compliance to Part 3.12 of NCC volume 2. Our BDAV accredited thermal assessors perform the assessment of your proposed development with the latest FirstRate5 software - a recognised Nationwide House Energy Rating Software (NatHERS).

The aim of these reports is to ensure as bare minimum that the internal thermal performance of the development has been maximised to support and facilitate the efficient use of energy. If the initial plans fail to achieve the minimum 6-star rating, our team of experts will work alongside you and offer recommendations to achieve compliance. We also fully support and revel in clients who wish to surpass the bare minimum line and achieve a higher performing end-product.

All new, alteration and addition works which are classified as Building Class 3, 5 to 9 are required to demonstrate compliance to Section J of the NCC as part of the building permit application. Our Section J Compliance Report specifically addresses the operational energy efficiency of the proposed development and specifies the standards to be achieved for:

  • Insulation
  • Building Sealing
  • Glazing performance

An artificial lighting analysis is typically required to demonstrate compliance to the NCC. While it is normally included within other assessments, the artificial lighting analysis can also be prepared as a separate item should the requirement arises.

According to the NCC Part, the lamp power density or illumination power density of artificial lighting, excluding heaters that emit light, must not exceed the allowance of:

  • 5 W/m² in Class 1 building; and
    4 M/w² on a verandah, balcony or the like attached to Class 1 building
    iii. 3 W/m2 in a class 10 building associated with Class 1 building.

Furthermore, according to the NCC Part J6.2, the lamp or illumination power density must not surpass:

  • 5 W/m² within the building,

4 W/m² on a verandah or balcony of the building.


We perform assessments with the NCC lighting calculator, and we provide recommendations to achieve compliance where applicable.

A Performance Solution is an alternative energy assessment method which demonstrates compliance to the 6.0 Star standard using the NCC Expert Judgment Pathway. This assessment method requires the pre-approval of the appointed Building Surveyor and is most common when the development fails to achieve the required star rating with the typical energy rating software. Other common situations involve clients wanting to avoid treatments to existing structure or to simply boost the performance of the proposed development.

The report will propose additional treatments, such as a solar PV system and a solar hot water system, which will compensate the thermal deficit and improve the overall development’s thermal performance to the required standard.

An alternative way to propose a thermally-compliant report for all new, alteration, and addition works classified as Building Class 1 is by using the Elemental DTS Part 3.12 methodology. In the report we assess the proposed dwelling against the Part3.12.1 to Part 3.12.5 of NCC Volume 2. The assessment also includes but is not limited to the glazing calculation and the lighting calculation. Once completed, an in-house compliance advice statement will be provided for review prior to generating the final report for submission.

JV3 is an alternative thermal assessment of non-residential buildings (Classes 3, 5, 6, 7, 8) that is based on the NCC Volume 1 verification method using a reference building.  Unlike the general Deemed-To-Satisfy approach in the Section J assessment, the JV3 process involves creating a detailed 3D model of the development and comparing the harvested data with the existing climate and location information.

While it is a more complex assessment process, JV3 may offer flexibility in choosing building specifications which can reduce the overall construction cost. As no one development is the same, this method also offers a more custom-fitting and highly energy efficient solution for the development.

Building legislation now requires all owners and developers of new/extensions houses and units to submit an Energy Report. The aim of these reports is to ensure that the building is designed to maximise the internal thermal comfortably estimating the annual heating and cooling energy. Our BDAV accredited assessors performs the thermal assessment of your development with the Firstrate 5 software. If we assess that the initial plans do not achieve the minimum required rating (6 star rating), we will provide recommendations to achieve compliance.

Part J Assessment and Compliance Reports are required for commercial buildings (Class 2 to 9) as part of the Building Permit application process in order to demonstrate the ability of the design to comply with the BCA. Compliance requirements apply to all new buildings within these classes, and to all new extensions.

Part J specifically addresses the operational energy efficiency of a commercial building. It addresses specific standards to be achieved for:

  • Insulation
  • Glazing performance
  • Building Sealing
  • Air-conditioning and ventilation performance
  • Artificial lighting and power performance access to plant for maintenance

An analysis of the artificial lighting proposed in a new development also forms part of the Building Permit requirements. According to the NCC Part, the lamp power density or illumination power density of artificial lighting, excluding heaters that emit light, must not exceed the allowance of:

i. 5 W/m² in Class 1 building; and

ii. 4 M/w² on a verandah, balcony or the like attached to Class 1 building

iii. 3 W/m2 in a class 10 building associated with Class 1 building

We perform assessments with the NCC lighting calculator, and we provide recommendations to achieve compliance where applicable.

A Performance Solution is an alternative energy assessment method which demonstrates compliance to the 6.0 Star standard using the NCC Expert Judgment Pathway. This assessment method is most common when the development fails to achieve the required star rating with the typical energy rating software. The report will propose additional solutions, such as a solar PV system and a solar hot water system, which will improve the overall development’s thermal performance to the required standard.

This report requires the pre-approval of the appointed Building Surveyor.

An alternative way to propose a thermally compliance report for all Class 1 buildings (new and alteration) is by using the Elemental DTS Part 3.12 methodology. In the report we assess the proposed dwelling against the NCC Part3.12.1 to Part 3.12.4 and relevant parts of Part 3.12.5.

The assessment also includes but not limited to the glazing calculation and the lighting calculation. Once completed, an in-house compliance advice statement will be provided for review prior to generating the final report for submission.

JV3 is an alternative thermal assessment of non-residential buildings (Classes 3, 5, 6, 7, 8) that is based on the NCC Volume 1 verification method using a reference building. Unlike the general Deemed-To-Satisfy approach in the Section J assessment, the JV3 process involves creating a detailed 3D model of the development and comparing the harvested data with the existing climate and location information.

The Green Travel Plan seeks to achieve the following targets:

While it is a more complex assessment process, JV3 will offer flexibility in choosing building specifications which can reduce the overall construction cost. As no one development is the same, this method also offers a more custom-fitting and highly energy efficient solution for the development.

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